A person can handle up to 3 to 4 rejection in life after that he gets demotivated and then he will be trying for another one or two times. Even at that time if he gets rejected he will be changing his dream or choice according to his comfortness…. Now we are going to see the story about a man who got rejected so many times and by which he founded a company which made him a billionaire and second richest man of china… He is none other than JACK MA who founded a e-commerce company called Alibaba . Let’s get way back to Hangzhou where Jack Ma a.k.a MA YUN who was born on 10 September 1964 which was during china’s cultural revolution was increasing and capitalist and intellectuals were punished and sent to the country side. Families and friends were divided along class lines. His family was also not having money when he was young. JACK MA CHILDHOOD DAYS In 1978, DENG XIAOPING emerges as new leader and opened china’s doors to the world and Deng went to the Unite...